Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Progress - One Lace At A Time

Yeah I know, it's not so exciting to tie your shoe but try having your femur pulled out of the side of your leg/ass, the ball of the femur ground down, hammered, put back in and stitched up. Then try and reach for those laces. Yes you will then know pain, I mean this is the true pain train. Well you can imagine just how excited I was when I finally pulled this one off -The time had arrived and I was no longer restricted to loafers, sneakers with elastic laces and extra long shoe horns.
Shortly after this it was off to the surgeon for the first follow up. Good Dr. Su looked, moved my leg about, had me limp around and then with a smile gave the good news that it was time to drop the crutches ASAP and make like good old Forrest Gump - Well my loyal friends there is a lot more in the works and the news will be forth coming shortly.

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