Monday, September 12, 2011

Breaking News- C-Dubs Retires From Ultra Endurance Racing

Well loyalistas and connoisseurs of the NECS we never thought the day would come when a story of this magnitude would be broken but it has happened. Our sources have been scouring the dumpsters and trash cans for evidence of this event and finally the truth has come out. When confronted with this photograph C-Dubs, after initially dismissing it as a cheap knockoff akin to a Rolex from Hong Kong, agreed to sit down for a one-on-one with none other then the NECS's favorite reporter Katie the Cougar. What you are about to read will make you jaw drop and wonder if C-Dubs is either gone off the deep end or is really on to something.

KC - C-Dubs, when did you first realize that your days on the ultra endurance circuit were finally over?

C-Dubs - Well Katie, after finishing the last 101 the first thing on my mind was to get into the operating room and get the hip resurfaced. From there it was focusing on recovering and preparing next year’s event. It was a this point that fate was to intervene.

KC - And how is the recovery going, do you feel you are on track?

C-Dubs - Progress has been really good and the surgeon gave me the green light to move from just walks to riding again.

KC - Did you first ride meet expectations

C-Dubs - Katie, it turns out on that first ride, which was on a LifeCycle, I was watching the Vuelta. During the ride an ad for ProForm, the official training bike of the Tour de France came on and I had quite an epiphany. It was at that moment I realized where my future in cycling would be. I mean look at the head shaking effort this guy is putting in on the ProForm Clearly this is a dangerous sport requiring participants to wear gloves and a helmet. Efforts like this could result crashes into life threatening objects like coffee tables and televisions, think of the potential for brain damage if you put your head through a 42” flat panel!

KC - But how will this satisfy your thirst for competition?

C-Dubs - I am already in contact with Pat McQuaid to have the trainer UCI certified and with the ability to program in any stage there is a movement to have ProForm rider’s times posted against the TdF field to vie for the yellow jersey. With Credit Lyonnais having an ownership stake in the product they are fully backing the concept.

“Ringing phone”

C-Dubs - Sorry Katie I have to take this one, it’s the Schleck brothers. We are in the midst of negotiations to put together a ProForm team with backing from Hyundai and Emerson electronics. I’ll have my agent get back to you for another interview once we wrap up the negotiations.


Casey Ryback said...

Negotiate for free jenkem as a perk for new team.

New East Coast Syndicate said...

Even better, Criss Angel is going to pay the team to massage the taint cream on everyone before each race.

Doctor said...

I would like to join the ultra life cycle team!!! I have been neck beard doping, which is ten times more effective than regular beard doping. Toss in some jenkem and taint cream and I think we have a virtual shot at the tour, or a shot at the virtual tour, either way I look good in white bib shorts.

That's right, white bib shorts.

New East Coast Syndicate said...

Yes the white bib shorts are most effective for showing when an old gust of the jenkem is in fact a visit from Energor.