Wednesday, April 20, 2011

MFXC - Time To Rumble

With SSAP in the books it's time to head to the great Midwest, land of Budweiser and PBR for some serious ass kicking, wrist snapping fun. We'll have almost as much fun as Steven.


Mason Storm said...

Cant't wait till MFXC homboi! Ttocs, Nico, and I wish you a happy 420 and can't wait to shred some of MO's finest wit your jerkass! JERK!

New East Coast Syndicate said...

I would strongly recommend an orthopedic surgeon be on hand for this one. I sense a massive wave of snapped wrists in the Middle Fork region on May Day.

Doctor said...

It looks like you will be having a wet fork while I have some dry Whiskey. Make those jerks feed you Dos Primos Dip. It'll blow your mind. Jerk

New East Coast Syndicate said...

I hope that Toscani hasn't been a total jerk and deceived me with tales of golden fast single track in MF! Dry or wet it is going to be time to party with the rest of the crew. Your presence will truly be missed, we will pay homage by burning Chinese incense.