Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Economic Recovery Spurs Crisis At Dark Horse Cycles

It has been a very trying couple of years for our country. Everyone, well most everyone, has had to tighten the belts and pull back from using the house as a piggy bank to fund a lifestyle. Well in the words of Bob Dylan, the times they are a changin' and for some of us that might not be a such a great thing while for others it is a really good thing.
Over the years everyone become callous to various comments made, after all talk has is, has and always will be cheap. But today my good friends, I was caught completely off guard - on several fronts. Our spiritual guru and guiding light, the Mayor, was back from a recent trip to the sunny desert of Arizona for a bit of racing. Seems our good Mayor was hit with a bad case of the flat tire blues, loosing his first to a cactus needle and the second to a faulty tube. Then, in a way that was almost so subtle you could easily miss it, the Mayor mentioned that "if I had only used Stan's". Now these words are right up there with a Republican saying "sure, it's time to hike taxes on the rich" or a Democrat saying "let's cut spending on social programs and go with a flat tax", things so sacred people never thought they would ever be uttered.
Then in the interests of the ever expanding business at Dark Horse, the Mayor came out with the phrase no one would have ever bet against. Seems with the increasing volumes of business, the Mayoral one has had his hands full fixing and assembling bikes. Despite the brand new shop it was already time for an expansion in the work area. Then out they came, with almost the same relaxed attitude as Stan's, the words we all thought could not be spoken - "the kegerator is gone, I needed more room in the shop". I mean what the hell is he thinking, get rid of the kegerator to make room for work, clearly the Mayor was still suffering from a severe case of Arizona sunstroke. Our crack reporter will be back with an exclusive interview with the Mayor.

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