Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What Makes America Great

There are always a few guarantees you can count on when attending a rodeo.
Steers will be wrestled. Clowns will be gored. And your olfactory senses will be treated to an absolutely delightful bouquet of frontier fragrance.
Naturally, it was only a matter of time before someone bottled it.
Introducing Let’er Buck Cologne, a new fragrence that finally lets you embrace the scent of a rodeo cowboy, available now.
Think of it as your own personal Eau de Eastwood. It's inspired by Oregon's Pendleton Round-Up, the oldest and most prestigious four-day rodeo in the West. (Trust us: you would not want to smell like a five-day rodeo.) So inside the bottle, you'll find all the glorious fragrances from your last summer camping trip. The wild lavender. The musky foliage. The slowly burning soft-amber wood fire. A tantalizing hint of cold PBR (This alone is reason enough to buy up all the stock you can find).
You'll want to dab this on next time you plan on doing some moseying, even if it's just to happy hour. Or if you want to test it out in a real-life rodeo situation, you can hit up the Round-Up’s centennial anniversary next month.
What is next - Chuck Norris Black Belt cologne with a fine sent of sweaty dojo mats or Seagal Splash On with a hint of snapped wrist bone marrow?

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