Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Why The Airlines Are Going Broke

Having had enough of the never ending winter Top Chef, Braveheart and I set our sites on the mountains and glorious single track of Sedona, AZ for a winter reprise. Despite the questioning of this move by The Calf, the three muskateers were sure this was the right call, even after being trapped at the armpit of East Coast travel - Newark International - for the better part of 4 hours. Not being ones to waste a long night at an airport, we immediately shuffled over to the bar for a bit of food and copious amounts of fine yeasty malted beverages. Everyone knows just how bad an airport meal can be, but with Top Chef in our party we were assured that culinary pleasures one could never imagine were going to be served up. A bit of quick work with a plastic knife, meat ball hero and 3 beers and there it was for all to salivate over.....the mini hero.With the first plane grounded due to a broken AC unit we all shuffled over to the next gate for a change of planes. Once there we learned just why the airlines are going broke. Continental, using every last bit of brain power came to the conclusion it was better to have everyone wait 2 hours for a plane to be moved from one gate to another rather then just having everyone walk to the next gateway, which would have taken about 15 minutes! Finally we boarded the plane to settle in for the flight and a quick check of the watch confirmed that we were taking off after our scheduled arrival in Phoenix - this was beginning to suck. Then I swore I was having a flashback when I reached up to turn on the overhead light and it was broken - just like the flight back from Moab - this was going to be a long flight. Finally on the ground at close to 1am, we grabbed the car and with the pedal to the metal, headed for Sedona, managing to break the land speed record we set on the way to Moab and in true vampire style getting to home base just before the sun came up.

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