Tuesday, June 2, 2009


This weekend Darkhorse Cycles hosted an event that in the future is sure to become the benchmark for racing on the East Coast - Singlespeed-a-Palooza!!! Now any time there is an event that has the ability to set the standards, such as this one, there will be a number of non believers, but trust me my friends this is the real deal - great racing, cash prems and lots of cold beer (otherwise know as mtb nirvana) and totally kick ass singletrack riding.
With a momumental event such as this there are two approaches to the racing - a) I am going to go out there and kick some serious ass or b) I am going to get a serious ass kicking by the young xc punks so it's time to party. Well my dear friends and loyal fans of the New East Coast Syndicate, it is a no brainer to tell you where my head was at -choice b. Prior to the race the latest steed in the NECS stable was equipped with the flask of Mexico's finest agave, a hula girl on the bars, a ukuele converted to a camelbak and yes the preverbial "carrot on a stick" only this was a PBR on stick to motivate me around the 20 mile course.

Festivities began with the preride by the base of the climb up Major Mike where, with akido like skills, I tapped the keg of Shock Top Belgian White Ale (and a shot of Del Maguay Tobala) before rolling up to the starting line for the preride announcements. Well the horn sounded, the pro race started and I turned to the organizers to see if it was time to race. Sure enough the field was already 100 yards up the road by the time I realized I should be rolling. Well a couple of quick strums of the ukelele a shot of Tobala and it was off to the races, with one of the sport riders commenting "it sure would suck to get beaten by the guy with the beer can on his bike".

The riding was sweet flowing single track that snaked through the woods and often a rider a couple of minutes ahead or behind was not more then 50 feet away. RIde I did and party along the way I did even better, with my loyal and trusty Beth being a course marshall there was no need to carry any extra yeasty malted beverages, they were ice cold at the midlap check point crying my name out. A quick chug and it was back at it until the end of the first lap at the base of Major Mike, the biggest climb of the day. To the shock of some and amusement of others it was a swig of the agave and a nice cold Shock Top Belgian before heading back out for the second lap. At this point the field was stretched out enough that riding was pretty much a solo event. While I was tempted to wait at the bridge on Skip & Bill's to give 650B another soaking the call of the unopened IPA was clawing at the base of my skull and I rode on stopping only at the wife's station for a quick wardrobe change before pushing on to the finish and the kegs.
And the verdict - with over 200 riders, cash prems and lots of cold beer - Darkhorse Cycles once again showed how to host an event that surely will become the benchmark for single speed races on the East Coast. The Mayor, Shop Sidekick and Hawaiian Mike did a fantastic job and made sure we were well equipped after the race with pint glasses, tshirts and bottle openers to commerate the event. For me this was a great time, a lot of fun and a chance to really cut loose before the long distance season kicks off in two weeks with the Stoopid 50, game on!

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