Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Stewart State Forest Gives Up Her Dead

When one is presented with the opportunity to use 6000+ acres of state forest for riding and to have virtually no restrictions on adding new trails at will, you like to make sure the mountain bike community is doing it's part to maintain this slice of Nirvana.
This past Sunday was designated by the DEC as clean up day for the state forest. Aarmed with our beat up pickups, propane grill, meat and of course copious amounts of the finest yeasty malted beverages, the NECS & Darkhorse Cycles race team set off on a mission to clean the trails.
What we learned from this archiealogical expedition is the following - hunters like beer, lots of beer, and they seem to favor the mini Budweiser bottles and an occasional Old Style. The mountain bikers seem to lean towards Corona and Sam Adams and the horsey set, well there we the occasional single malt bottles turning up. The mother lode of the entire expedition came at the Game Warden's station, so either the state employees like to eat chinese food and drink cheap beer or the hunters are really a bunch of pigs. Either way we cleaned the place up and in the end found this real kick ass fixie (with yours truly taking it for a test spin) that is potentially the grand prize for the Singlespeed-a-Palooza.


F.W. Adams said...

So, if they urban fixters ventured out into the forest, what would they leave behind?

Darkhorse Cycles said...

Does IF know you are riding a competitors product!!!

New East Coast Syndicate said...

Well Darkhorse what you have learned is that I am doing some ultra secret development testing for what will potentially be the most amazing feat if I can crank out the Shenandoah on a custom IF version of the same ride.

New East Coast Syndicate said...

Well GenghisKhan that depends on the sociological class but this is my best deduction -

Wall Streeters - Cuban cigar buts and most expensive single malts they can possibly buy
The Artist Set - Vodka, Grey Goose and Ketel One
Club Goers - Ecstacy wrappers, condom packets and thongs
College Grads - what ever they can steel from the old man's liquor cabinet
Fashionistas and Models - rolled up dollar bills, paper packets, syringes and champagne

F.W. Adams said...

I'd guessed some PBR in there somewhere--perhps some Colt 45... ;o)

New East Coast Syndicate said...

The only way we are going get PBRs in hear is when the mother ship of team Seagal comes to Stewart for a race. Perhaps a bit of arm twisting could get the gang up for the Darkhorse 40 for some serious singletrack wrist snapping

F.W. Adams said...

Not sure why those blokes'd get all stoked over some Peanut Butter and Rodent sandwhiches, but to to each his own, eh?