Sunday, June 23, 2013

Scalp'em Tantric - Go Big (Indian) Or Go Home

Here at the NECS/MRC nothing makes us giddier than a school girl listening to the Beibs crooning some white man rap than the prospect of a good old sufferfest. This Saturday, 6/29, will be the riding equivalent of the alignment of all 9 planets (8 for the yoots). With California Death Ride preparations calling for a 7-9 hour session of taint hardening, I put out a text to our Sargent at Arms of the Pain Infliction Unit, El Obamador. With out hesitating our beloved Dr Evil agreed that the time was perfect for the most grueling of the NECS/MRC non race series - Big Indian Scalping!
Details of the course are a bit fuzzy as most participants have been too cross eyed from all of the climbing to recall what happened by the time the beating finally subsides back in Ellenville . We can confirm roll out will be 8:00 am from Aroma Thyme Bistro, ride is 95 miles with a 5 mile victory lap climb and over 7000' of vertical. Logistics on resupply of food and water are unknown so prepare accordingly and there will be a post ride debrief of the survivors over copious amounts of fine IPAs. Expect to have your taint in the saddle for 7+ hours of HTFU riding. Just remember it is the NECS/MRC pleasure to serve you up pain.


ajanaya said...

As per MRC/NECS SOP, a Bread Alone Espresso stop will precede the Peekamoose climb. HTFU!

New East Coast Syndicate said...

And there is nothing quite like Peekamoose the hard way, just did it and boy did it suck at the top