Thursday, June 5, 2008

Back in the Saddle

Thanks to all from Team Seagal and my family for the well wishes during my recovery. Funny how it took less to get over the surgery then it did the Mohican 100 but so is life.
All of the conditioning helped with the recovery and I found myself back on the trainer the day after surgery and out on the road just over 48 hours after leaving the operating table! Wasn't a hard ride but it sure felt good to be back out in the "fresh air" of NYC.
This weekend the focus will be on rebuilding the strength in the upper body where the brunt of the operation took place. Most likely will be punching out multiple sets of 12 oz curls and maybe even a ride on the carriage roads of Minnewaska State Park.

1 comment:

Nico Toscani said...

Happy 4th homeboy. When is your next opportunity to snap some wrists?