Thursday, May 1, 2008

Hyperbaric Training - New York City Style

The polls are in and are you surprised to learn that New York City is rated as one of the worst cities in the United States for air quality? No need to hold you breath, the glass is really more then half full and here is why.......
Athletes, in their quest for any minor physiological advantage, have resorted to measures such as moving to high altitude cities for training and some even go to the extreme of mimicking Michael Jackson and sleep in hyperbaric chambers to increase the red blood cell count. Well as a New Yorker I have the luxury of training in some of the worst quality air in the nation and get to couple that with training laps in Central Park, sucking in the fumes of taxi cabs and metallic brake pad dust.
The upshot of all of this is a new training format know as Darwin's Reverse Hyperbaric Conditioning Program and it works like this - you train in the worst possible conditions and when you get to the races you are blessed with clean, fresh, oxygen rich air. Under Darwinian theory - survival of the fittest - the fact that one can make it and adapt to such adverse conditions and survive means that when placed in optimal conditions you should have an edge over those that have trained in optimal environmental conditions and then have to race in less then ideal conditions.
Yeah I realize it is a load of crap but the reality is I am stuck in NYC and have to make the best of it. Never underestimate the power of denial!

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