Monday, April 21, 2008

Just Another Friday Night in Ocoee

After spending the night near the Atlanta airport, Beth and I made the 2 hour drive into the three corners where Georgia, Tennessee and South Carolina all come together, and come together they do. Being from New York City, the air was so fresh that we couldn't get enough, despite the heavy doses of pine pollen in the air. And the mountain pines have a beautiful blue glow that make one really appreciate just why they are called the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Our cabin, right next door to Joe Jacoby's place, is at the end of a cul-de-sac and immediately we befriend the next door neighbor, Mike, engaging him in conversations about gardens, roto tillers, property taxes (non existent in this part of the country) and the possibility of hitting the local fish fry after the race.
From here it was off to the Cherokee National Forest and the Ocoee Whitewater Center for registration and a preride of the course. After coming all this distance as I set off on my ride I ended up riding with Mike Davies, another Masters competitor and a fellow rider from the Newburgh area. After chatting about the virtues of Stewart State Forest and the flowing singletrack we dropped into some of the most amazing riding with a flow so smooth and effortless that it felt like we were on a pump track. Things were looking good for the race, I felt good and the trail was nice and firm, fast and flowing.....this is going to be fun.
One final stroll of the neighborhood and we ran into Floyd rocking away on the front porch and spent a bit of time enjoying a beer or two and flagging down the locals to score some Tennessee White Lightning. Well along comes or neighbor Mike and by the time it was all over there it was at $8 a pint and able to run a small car engine on it's own. With that it was a pass and off to bed for a good rest before the race. 

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