Thursday, February 21, 2008

Five - O, Book'em Dan-O

At long last it has arrived, the big Five –O, the start of the second half of that great adventure called life! Some scientist’s theorize that for a male the 40s can be the most depressing decade in the cycle of life. If that is scientific fact then I can hardly wait for what is in store for me, the last 10 years have been a blast!

It really doesn’t seem any different today, the alarm seems early, and it is, going off at 5 a.m. so I can slip in a ride before work – no rest for the birthday boy. Nothing special on this one, nice tempo riding while my mind melts away listening to tunes on the Ipod and watching some teleamark ski porn.

The office is the office, nothing more and nothing less, which is just fine with me for today. I don't anticipate anything out of the ordinary but one never knows. Just sitting watching the clock going round and waiting for the end of the day.

Tonight Beth is having a dinner party with close friends and we plan on enjoying good food and lots of good wine. Thank both god and allah that when I wake up tomorrow it is only a few short hours until the weekend and I can kick back and watch movies, drink wine, eat a great dinner, drink more wine and pass out on the couch watching more movies.Hey it's the F-You 50s and I get to do whatever I want.

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